Esforzarse por mejorar las condiciones médicas, reducir los costos de atención médica.
9 Renmin Rd (E), ciudad de Yangshe, ciudad de Zhangjiagang, provincia de Jiangsu, China.
+86 18913609266
The MSLPCR03system adapts to almost any workflow requirementwith flexible instrument control and data management.
Standard with 7’’LCD touch screen, functions quickly accessible through simple, one-touch commands
High-throughputup to 96 samples per run
Push-pull, electrical controlled elevating platform
Concealedlid withconstant temperature and isopiestic pressurebring high accurate temperature control
Quick-start set-up so you can begin a run immediately
Uniquepower-off protectionfunction can save all the setted configurations for sudden power outages, and allow the experiment continues when power supply is restored.
System can be installed in threedistinctconfigurations, providing unmatched flexibility and convenience.
1. Co-located configuration (PC control)
2. Standalone (PC-free) configuration (Datacan be export by USB and analysis on PC)
3. Networked configuration (PC software automaticallydetectall systems in LAN and allow to remote monitoring one ofexperimental progress and downloading of the completed runfile to the PC at your desk)
Fast and uniform heating and heat sinkingblock
Concealedlid withconstant temperature and isopiestic pressure
Electrical controlled elevating & automatic locked platform
Thermo blockisbased on improved heat pipe technology, leading to extraordinary Iintra-welltemperature homogeneity and maximizedinter-well, inter-cycle reproducibility.
Highlyefficient PID&DSP control algorithm ensures fasterrespond and stronger interference resistance, fast and uniform heating and heat sinking
Highsensitive andpreciseoptical system
High-sensitivity and wide dynamic range of fluorescencedetection system, sample dynamic range could be from101to 1010copies
Fast and precise mechanical scanning structureensuresthe illuminationuniformityof 96wells, Eliminate edge effects, noneed for ROX calibration
Fluorescence excitation by a high-intensity and long-life LED,Bulb Luminance will not attenuation overtime, free maintenance optical system through the entire life.
Professional designedfluorescence filtersrealizethe highly fluorescence transmittanceand meanwhile minimize the fluorescence channelcrosstalk.
Friendly interface and clearly functional modulesdesign,first-time users can easily starta new experiment.
All experiment data and setting options are shown conveniently on a single interface. User modifications to analysis parameters can be seen instantly
Powerful analytical capabilities, optional automaticandmanual threshold setting bring reliable date you can work on.
Experimental date can be export in .csv, .excel, .txt format, with this capability,theMSLPCR03can interface with your laboratory information systemdirectly.
Unique designed universal report can be customized according to the requirements, report review and print function help clinical documentationas needed.
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