PCR Test Kit

  • Product Description

The lyophilized PCR reaction mixture contains all RT-qPCR components, pre-dispensed into 8 well strips.

The end-user is only required to add RNA samples – simple and quick.

No need to dispense master mix components, eliminating errors and speeding up the process.

Description of PCR Reagents

Product NamePCR Reagents
PCR ReagentsORF1ab & N
Test Sensitivity≥ 10 RNA copies
Storage & Transport2°C~40°C
Test time70 min
Expiry date2 years
Sensitivity> 99%
Specificity> 99% 

Features of PCR Test Kit 

  1. For ease of storage and transportation, pre-distributed dry reagent (lyophilized)

  2. Increases ready mix stability

  3. room temperature storage, no cold chain shipping and storage

  4. Streamlines PCR sample handling and processing

  5. High-throughput routine labs, Boosted lab productivity

  6. Ready use one-step lyophilized master mix

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